Las Vegas History Series: 101 Club, 101 Club Bonbeck, Inc. and Opry House Casino

This week in our Las Vegas History Series, we are going to cover three casinos that were at the same address. Located at 2540 N Main Street in North Las Vegas, casino gaming began at that location in 1955. What’s interesting about this gaming establishment in North Las Vegas is that it began under one of the pioneers in Nevada Gaming Don Laughlin. Don Laughlin, of course, is named after the Nevada city Laughlin who some say the smaller gaming city is like an older version of Las Vegas.

Don Laughlin saved enough money to be the owner of the 101 Club according to a Riverside Resort website source. He spent ten years at the 101 Club to he sold the property. He would end up getting $165,000 for it. After that, Don would embark on a journey that would forever contribute to Nevada gaming history. That is what makes the 101 Club famous and an important part of Nevada casino history.

Aside, they use to have steak and eggs for under $1, 2 for 1 drinks between 5:00 PM to 6:00 PM and they even had matchbooks where there were coupons on them for free drinks. One even billed the 101 Club as Don and his wife Betty’s establishment. 

In 1969, well after Don Laughlin had departed from the 101 Club, the name was then changed to the 101 Club Bonbeck, Inc.. What’s interesting about this era is the chips would have the casino’s full name on it, unlike its predecessor. But both chips had a hat and cane mold. Some of the chips for the 101 Club Bonbeck, Inc. were overstruck with a $ sign. The place would end up closing in 1973. 

In 1978, the address would have a new gaming establishment called the Opry House. Like other casinos of that era, the place had slot machines and slot machine tokens. The chips for this era of gaming at this address also were hat and cane as well. It would end up closing in 1985.

Today, the surrounding area where these three casinos were is a Dotty’s. They are known as a gaming chain that runs a kind of business called a slot machine parlor. 

Below you will find our three sections of chips for purchase of the 101 Club, 101 Club Bonbeck, Inc., and the Opry House. 

101 Club Chip:

This one $1 chip we have from the 101 Club is from the high-end chip book we have in the store from the Don Laughlin era. The price is $1000. If interested, send me an email to [email protected] or call us at 702-362-8767.


101 Club Bonbeck, Inc. Chips:

The $1 and $5 chip with pictures listed below is also from our high-end chip book. The $1.00 chip is $250 and the $5.00 chip is $450. If interested, send me an email to [email protected] or call us at 702-362-8767.



The chip listed below with the $ overstrike is on our website. It can be purchased clicking the picture below:

Opry House Chips: All of these chips are on our website and can be purchased below clicking the picture.


If anyone is interested in getting a digital copy of our high-end chip book sent to their email address, send me an email to [email protected] and I will take care of that.

Ashtray of the week:

This vintage one from Golden Gate Hotel and Casino is $15. If interested, send me an email to [email protected] or call us at 702-362-8767.

 Unique Casino Card Deck:

We just got in this deck of cards from Bob Stupak’s Vegas World. Price for the deck is $20. We have ONE. Send me an email to [email protected] or call us at 702-362-8767.

1 comment

gino cergol

gino cergol

Thank you for the history series. I look forward for it every time you send t out.
Thanks for keeping our chipping hobby going.

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