New Things on Spinettis Website in 2020

We hope everyone is having a good start to their New Year. We just wanted to make mention of a few things this week that are new on the Spinettis website at

Free Shipping is here to stay:

Any order placed on the website at $69 and above will qualify for free shipping. We are continuing this offer from now on. Click the free shipping button below to start shopping.

A new search option:

Our search box now has search suggestions that will show you product suggestions and information that is related to what you are looking for. See an example below I used as I started looking for the new Circus Circus $1 chip some of you have already purchased from us. Even if you spell something wrong, our new search suggestion field will help match what you are looking for as closely as possible. 

Find a chip with The Chip Rack Number:

Now when you search for a chip on our website, you can do so with The Chip Rack number. We have updated our entire Nevada chip quantity. So, if you are looking for something quick, you can do so with The Chip Rack number by entering it in our search bar. See below an example when I looked up this Stardust $1 chip with its chip rack number E5431 in our search box.

Casino Collectibles Casinorama 2020 Show in Las Vegas:

We are only a few weeks away from the 2020 Casinorama Collectibles Show here in Las Vegas. The event takes place at Arizona Charlies Decatur on January 31st and February 1st. You can find the information below in the flyer. We hope to see you by our store in Downtown Las Vegas if you are coming for the show.

Spinettis news

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